Best Practices for Designing Scalable REST APIs in Cloud Environments


  • Sachin Bhatt Independent Researcher, USA



REST API,, Cloud Computing, Scalability, Microservices, API Gateway, Performance Optimization


This research paper explores the best practices for developing scalable Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs in cloud environments. As the demand for robust and high-performance APIs continues to grow, developers face numerous challenges in designing and implementing scalable solutions. This study examines various aspects of API development, including architectural principles, cloud-native technologies, performance optimization techniques, and security considerations. By synthesizing current research and industry practices, this paper provides a comprehensive guide for practitioners and researchers in the field of API development for cloud environments.


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How to Cite

Sachin Bhatt. (2024). Best Practices for Designing Scalable REST APIs in Cloud Environments. Journal of Sustainable Solutions, 1(4), 48–71.



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